Aquest trimestre a l’Aula d’idiomes oferim tallers en 11 llengües diferents amb els següents horaris:

– Alemany: Dimarts de 20h a 22h (Pre-intermedi) – Dijous de 20h a 22h (Intermedi/Avançat)

– Anglès: Dimecres de 18h a 20h (Iniciació) – Dilluns i Dimecres de 16h30 a 18h (3h/setmana Pre-Intermedi) – Dimarts de 18h a 20h (2h/setmana Pre-Intermedi) – Dijous de 18h a 20h (Intermedi/Avançat)

– Àrab: Dimarts de 19h a 21h (Iniciació)

Castellà: Dimecres de 18h a 20h (Iniciació) – Dimecres de 20h a 22h (Intermedi)

– Català: Dijous de 16h a 18h (Intermedi)

Euskera: Dilluns de 20h a 22h (Iniciació)

– Francès: Dijous de 11h30 a 13h30 (Iniciació) – Dijous de 18h a 20h (Intermedi) – Divendres de 16h30 a 18h30 (Avançat)

– Gallec: No tenim horaris programats

– Italià: Dimecres de 20h a 22h (Iniciació) – Dimarts de 20h a 22h (Pre-intermedi)

– Occità: Dijous de 10h a 12h (Iniciació)

– Portuguès: Dilluns de 20h a 22h (Iniciació) – Dijous de 20h a 22h (Intermedi)

*Per apuntar-vos als tallers o obtenir més informació sobre horaris i grups ens podeu escriure un correu a: auladidiomes@gmail.com


This trimester Aula d’Idiomes offers you 11 different language workshops with the following timetables:

– German: Tuesdays from 20 to 22h (Beginners) – Thursdays from 20 to 22h (Intermediate/Advanced)

– English: Wednesdays from 18 to 20h (Beginners) – Mondays and Wednesdays from 16,30 to 18h (3h/week Pre-intermediate) – Tuesdays from 18 to 20h (2h/week Pre-intermediate) – Thursdays from 18 to 20h (Intermediate/Advanced)

– Arabic: Tuesdays from 19 to 21h (Beginners)

– Spanish: Wednesdays from 18 to 20h (Beginners) – Wednesdays from 20 to 22h (Intermediate)

– Catalan: Thursdays from 16 to 18h (Intermediate)

– Basque: Mondays from 20 to 22h (Beginners)

– French: Thursdays from 11,30 to 13,30h (Beginners) – Thursdays from 18 to 20h (Intermediate) – Fridays from 16,30 to 18,30 (Advanced)

– Galician: We haven’t any programmed workshop at the moment

– Italian: Wednesdays from 20 to 22h (Beginners) – Tuesdays from 20 to 22h (Pre-intermediate)

– Occitan: Thursdays from 10 to 12h (Beginners)

– Portuguese: Mondays from 20 to 22h (Beginners) – Thursdays from 20 to 22h (Intermediate)

*To enrol for one of these workshops or to get more information about timetables and groups you can write us an email to auladidiomes@gmail.com